This week I learned about the 5Es!! Who knew these five words would be so helpful in designing an inquiry based lesson. Up until this week inquiry based lessons have been a a really cool idea, but tricky to imagine in action. The 5es are a great as a guideline for what needs to happen in the lesson. Planning the lessons out using this guideline takes a lot of the mystery away, and leaves you with a solid grasp on what's going to take place in the classroom. I like to go with the flow in the classroom, but a great plan makes the "flow" possible.
I'm more excited than ever to use inquiry in the classroom, and now I feel even more prepared to do so!!
I'm glad you feel like you are able to employ these strategies into your classroom using the 5E's. Remember, there are no silver bullets in education. The only thing we know helps students succeed is the teacher that is in front of the students.