I enjoy using Web 2.0 tools with my students as frequently as possible. I have the responsibility of modeling the tools and guiding the students through a step-by-step process in order for them to have success. My students learn multiple lessons when using technology in the classroom.
I've learned from experience to focus on just one or two tools. My students typically catch on quickly, but sticking to a couple web tools ensures that they will work toward independent success.
This week I realized that images are a valuable teaching tool. A class Flickr account has endless possibilities; taking photos, sharing them, discussing them, and using them in presentations. I'm eager to use these ideas in my classroom.
Sometimes I feel discouraged knowing that I work with such a young group of students, and knowing that I can't use many of the Web 2.0 tools available. I know that my students can master some of the Web 2.0 tools, but I always hope for more.
Is this hope for more unrealistic? I mean...they're only five.
I think what you will find is two things, 1, the web 2.0 applications are going to become more simplistic to use as the iPad takes off and those applications become more sophisticated, 2, students really aren't afraid of making mistakes when they are 5. Give them opportunities to experience them, if they make a mistake, help them learn form it (which I can tell you already do!).