Sunday, December 4, 2011

Telling a story with my iPhone

I had been looking forward to this project for a long while now, because I'd finally have a reason to play around with iMovie on my iPhone. I've had the app for a long time, with great hopes of creating some cool stories, but I never got around to that.

I knew I wanted to use still images combined with voiceovers that I could record. This plan worked great with iMovie, and it was very easy to edit, rearrange, lengthen and shorten image times, and record my voice.

I started the project by gathering images. I snapped some photos of the supply room at school. I had pictures of my classroom on my phone already that I could use. I snagged some stuffed animals from the nursery for a photo. I used the Google Earth app on my phone to get the images of the church and school. For the lists, I used the "Reminders" app that comes with the iPhone.

After I got all the images organized in the order I wanted, I then I started with the voiceovers. I tried to "wing-it" but that led to frustration, as I could never quite get out what I wanted to say. So I wrote out the simple statements, and recorded them with ease. Upon completion of the story I shared the video file to my cameral roll, and from there I uploaded it to YouTube. I snagged the YouTube embed code from the site on my computer, otherwise everything was completed on the phone. I even composed my entire blog post on my phone, but as luck would have it, the app closed suddenly, and I lost the post. I moved to the computer after that.

This story is a brief one, but I am pleased with its simplicity and layout. I am lucky to have had a great educational career from kindergarten through my current educational program. I've been surrounded by positive educational role models, and I hope that my students can look to me as a great role model as well.

I hope you enjoy my story.

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