Hey guys, it's Erin! I've had this blog for awhile, it was created to share photos/stories of our summer a couple years ago. We had our niece and nephew from Pennsylvania spend a couple weeks with us in North Carolina, so I shared fun events on the blog for family members to keep up with. Currently this blog is serving as a host for graduate school work, but it will continue to be a hub for personal information as we've got a little one on the way! :)
As I mentioned, I'm Erin. I teach kindergarten Language Arts, and Second Grade math, and then K-2 Science, Social Studies, and Health on a rotation. This is my fourth year teaching in this set up. It's taken a lot of collaboration and organization with my co-workers, but luckily we settled into our strengths rather quickly so that the workload is split and works beautifully.
My experience with Wilkes has been a wonderful one. I knew I wanted to pursue a Masters degree, and I knew I wanted it to be in an area that I was interested in. This program has been a wonderful fit, and although I "forced" my husband to complete this degree with me, I think he's enjoyed it as well!! This is our eighth course, two more next semester and we're done!
My current role as an educator is my passion. I teach in a Title I school with some great kids. We deal with a lot of issues at school, that aren't easy, and many of my kindergarten students have experienced things in their lives that I could never dream of. So, I welcome them into my classroom. I change them out of their dirty clothes, send home food with them, listen as they talk about visiting their father in jail, wipe their tears, and talk to them as they defend their parents lack of involvement. Of course this isn't every student, it's the minority, but those students are expected to learn just like the ones that are wearing clean socks, got plenty of sleep, and ate recently, so I do my best to level the playing field while they are in my care.
I get to teach kindergarten. The age when they come to me as scary, scary beings, and transform into little people that can read and write. This transformation is amazing, and I love seeing it every year, even though my August kindergartners are very intimidating! ;)
In addition to teaching, I have been pegged as the "techie" person at school, so I do a bit tech support, and I've done some professional development activities as requested by my principal. I love sharing techie ideas and tools with co-workers, and I love even more when the tell me they used something I taught them.
I'm looking forward to getting into the bulk of this course, even though I'm a bit intimidated...
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